Opening day finally came and we were all so excited. And by "we" I mean Josh and Will. Josh and Will woke up bright and early to get out to their hunting spot early. And yes, Will got to miss school for this "holiday". He could not have been happier. Spending time with Dad and making life memories and tradition are waayyyy more important than anything he can learn in school, or so we believe. Kate and I didn't join them until the second half of the day. I packed us some sandwiches and snacks and a cooler full of water and we headed out. We went to one of Josh's favorite spots in absolutely the middle of no where.
We had so much fun! Sam did such an awesome job retrieving the birds and loved every minute of it. Kate was way more into it than I thought she would. She got to shoot her little .22 and wasn't scared or nervous at all. She was also our bird carrier. Sam would retrieve the birds and bring them to Josh and he would give them to Kate and she would take them to our cooler, she thought it was great. Will was completely in his element. And of course Josh hit everything that flew his way. I loved spending this time with my family building life long memories. They keep me constantly aware of how blessed I am to have them in my life. We have a great family!